Plasma Mobile at a demoparty?
Chaos Constructions is an annual computer festival held in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It is centered around demoscene — a form of computer art where participants write programs that produce short audio-visual presentations. Apart from the demoscene contests, you can enjoy computer-related seminars, live acts, and a computer exhibition.

On 25-26th of August I was lucky to be there and give an introductory talk about Plasma Mobile, Halium and other projects that aim for a complete GNU/Linux experience on smartphones and tablets.
That was my first talk at a big event, and I was very emotional and nervous. Nevertheless, the talk went just fine, people were interested in our work around Plasma Mobile, and we had a long discussion about the future of GNU/Linux on mobiles as we see it.
I plan to turn my talk into a big blog post (or a series, if appropriate) so that all the stuff I collected and learned could be useful for more people. Stay tuned!
I would like to thank event organizers for the amazing experience and a chance to talk about my passion to the smart geeky crowd of Chaos Constructions!
Also, a big shout-out to @JBBGameich, Bhushan Shah, and @NotKit for their help with putting my device into shape for the talk.

If you would like to join Plasma Mobile development, you can always find interesting tasks at
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