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Plasma Mobile lortzea

Plasma Mobile hainbat Linux banaketatan instalatzeko erabilgarri dago.

Mesedez, behatu banaketa bakoitzerako informazioa, zure gailuak euskarria duen ikusteko.

ARM gailuetarako banaketak


PostmarketOS (pmOS), is a Alpine Linux based distribution for mobile devices. View the device list to see the progress for supporting your device.

For devices that do not have prebuilt images, you will need to flash it manually using the pmbootstrap utility. Follow instructions here. Be sure to also check the device's wiki page for more information on what is working.

PostmarketOS also provides a nightly repository that tracks Plasma development, and is used by developers.

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Debian (Mobian)

Debian provides a basic set of packages related to plasma-mobile in its repositories since release 12, codenamed bookworm. The packaging effort is continuing even after the release of bookworm, allowing a broader set of packages to be available.

Thanks to the efforts of the developers of Mobian project (a mobile derivative of Debian), flashable images based on Plasma Mobile are now available!

Instructions to manually install Plasma mobile on existing Debian systems can be found on Debian wiki.

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Arch Linux ARM (Unofficial)

Arch Linux ARM has been ported to the PinePhone and PineTab by the DanctNIX community.


Manjaro ARM

Manjaro ARM is the Manjaro distribution, but for ARM devices. It is based on Arch Linux ARM, combined with Manjaro tools, themes and infrastructure to make install images for your ARM device.

Learn More Forum PinePhone


Kupfer Linux is an Arch Linux ARM derived distribution aiming to provide tooling that makes it easier for developers to port devices to it.

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Sineware ProLinux

ProLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution with an immutable root filesystem, an A/B updating scheme, Flatpak-first app distribution model, and a unified API surface to interact with the OS.

Plasma 6 development images are currently available, built from git.

Learn More Nightly Builds


openSUSE, lehen SUSE Linux eta SuSE Linux Professional zena, SUSE Linux GmbH-ek eta beste konpainia batzuek babestutako Linux banaketa bat da. Egun openSUSE-k Tumbleweed-en oinarritutako Plasma Mobile eraikinak hornitzen ditu.

Gehiago jakiteko PinePhone Matrix kanala


Lan hau martxan dago, adi egon! Batu Fedora Mobility matrix kanalera aurrerapenari buruzko xehetasuna lortzeko. Kanalean probako irudietarako estekak aurki daitezke.

x86 gailuetarako banaketak


postmarketOS is able to be run in QEMU, and thus is a suitable option for testing a fully pre-configured Plasma Mobile environment on your computer.

Read more about it here. During the setup process, select Plasma Mobile as the desktop environment.


Fedorak bere gordetegietan Plasma Mobile eta lotutako aplikazioak paketatuta ditu.

Instalatu plasma-mobile paketea.


Plasma Mobile is available in Debian unstable as the plasma-mobile package.

Arch Linux

Plasma Mobile AURen erabilgarri dago.

KDE Neon

ABISUA: Hau ez da aktiboki mantentzen!

KDE Neon oinarri duen irudi hau, android ez diren intel tabletatan, PCetan eta alegiazko makinetan proba datieke. Hemendik zama-jaitsi daiteke.