
Plasma 手机设备平台


安装 贡献


Plasma Mobile is an open-source user interface for mobile devices developed by the KDE community. The project works with various Linux distributions to bring an open platform to your mobile device.

Built on the foundations of Plasma Desktop, Plasma Mobile brings its flexibility to a mobile form factor.

Plasma Desktop
Plasma Mobile

Community Powered

The most common offerings on mobile devices lack openness and trust. In a world of walled gardens, we want to create a platform that respects and protects the user’s privacy to the fullest, built by the community. We want to provide a fully open base which others can help develop and use for themselves, or in their products.

手机应用 贡献

KWin 和 Wayland

Wayland is the next-generation protocol for delivering cutting-edge user interfaces. KWin is KDE's battle-tested window manager which implements Wayland, delivering a polished and reliable experience on both the desktop and mobile devices.



Plasma Mobile utilizes established projects in the Linux desktop ecosystem.
ModemManager provides telephony and PulseAudio/PipeWire drives the Plasma Mobile sound system.



Plasma Mobile 基于一款以灵活定制著称的桌面环境开发,让您可以随心所欲地定制自己的手机系统。您可以随意添加各种挂件、调整配色方案、字体,也可以进行更加深入的定制调整。
