Plasma Mobile 是一套面向移动设备的开源用户界面和生态系统,它基于 KDE Plasma 程序堆栈构建。
Plasma Mobile 项目旨在促进和实现开放标准,并且确保开发过程的开放透明,让任何人都可以参与其中。

我能使用 Plasma Mobile 吗?
Yes! Plasma Mobile is packaged in multiple distribution repositories, and so it can be installed on regular x86 based devices for testing.
Have an old Android device? postmarketOS, is a project aiming to bring Linux to phones and offers Plasma Mobile as an available interface for the devices it supports. You can see the list of supported devices here, but on any device outside the main and community categories your mileage may vary. Some supported devices include the OnePlus 6, Pixel 3a and PinePhone.
Plasma Mobile 的界面采用 KWin 作为显示管理器,运行在 Wayland 模式下。它整体来说已经比较稳定,但某些地方依然存在一些需要改善的问题。KDE Plasma 的一部分功能已经可用,如挂件和活动等已被整合到 Plasma Mobile 的用户界面。您可以在桌面和笔记本环境日常使用 Plasma Mobile 和进行开发。
Plasma Mobile 能做什么?
We aim to provide an experience (with both the shell and apps) that can provide a basic smartphone experience. This has mostly been accomplished, but we continue to work on improving shell stability and telephony support.
You can find a list of mobile friendly KDE applications here. Of course, any Linux-based applications can also be used in Plasma Mobile.
如何参与 Plasma Mobile 项目
Plasma Mobile 的各种组件的源代码被托管在 invent.kde.org 网站。
如需了解 Plasma Mobile 程序堆栈的详情和各组件的交互,请阅读 Plasma Mobile 的贡献者文档。
您还可以在 Plasma Mobile 社区工作组和聊天频道等处提问。